Phillip Thompson OAM MP

Phillip Thompson OAM MP

Federal Member for Herbert

Serving Our Community

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Together with our community, we’ve been working to secure our economic recovery, support jobs and help locals get ahead.

Through our local advocacy, we’ve been able to deliver on our local plan in Herbert, including:

βœ… Establishing the reinsurance pool to bring down insurance premiums
βœ… Delivering the Port channel widening to allow bigger ships into our port for imports and exports
βœ… Funding a new youth precinct to get young people off our streets
βœ… Starting a much-needed $80-million refurbishment for Reef HQ
βœ… A Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, and
βœ… Delivering a new ward at the Townsville University Hospital.

Each and every one of these initiatives is aimed at improving the quality of life for local people and ensuring we’re supporting a better future for our region. Please check out some of our local projects here.

As your Federal Member I am always here to help. If there’s ever anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on the phone, on Facebook or by email.

While you’re here, please take a minute to have your say, and let me know what’s important to you and your family.

Phillip Thompson OAM MP

We’ve secured significant investment in Townsville and surrounds, creating jobs and helping our economic recovery.

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Cover for Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community
Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community

Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community

Federal Member for Herbert
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Industry
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Personnel

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OUT OF TOUCH: The story of an Australian hero, a Victoria Cross recipient needing to sell his medals because of cost-of-living pressures has been plastered across the media for days, yet the Defence Minister has no idea. If Richard Marles’ incompetence wasn’t already clear, it was laid bare for all to see in Question Time. ... See MoreSee Less

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Marles should have been notified when any VCs get removed from the Australian War Memorial!

I’m sorry mate. You shouldn’t have to sell your medals!

Mate, labor and the greens wants no more coal, gold mines. They want to shut down everything for their bull shit green projects. I hope the rsl bought his medals and place it on display. Vote federa labor out.

What a piss poor response.

100 per cent mate , when I was policing I got Dan Keighran to come to an emergency expo in Bundaberg . He rocked up with no questions However to get a sport star to the event was rubbish and expensive I put a post up the other day saying that it’s a very sad country when vc holders are forced to sell their medals to live, but sports people are being payed by sponsors and supported by Government grants etc and live the high life Our priorities are wrong How about the Government pay for the medals and put them in the war memorial with a photo of Dan and his story Dan will still be able to wear his replicas on Anzac Day etc and still receive the respect he deserves We throw the word hero around to freely in this country. Dan is a hero!

bit sad when someone on a high paying wage such as the army is selling off things to make ends meet. what chance do us low income earners have.

Our country is rapidly turning to shit.

Marles is clearly incompent

Do you really think that this entire system of government really gives a rip about the people. You all spend so much time regulating and legislating our lives that you lose sight of the what the side effects are. seems all you want to do it stick us in a box and feed us when its convenient. Don't tell me its one side of the government or the other, Both parties have been doing this as a slow drip since federation. One party screws up trashes the room before the get voted out and then blame the other party for the blowouts. The incoming then raises costs and blames the outgoing for the raises. Its just stupid. Its all just a game to these parties. There's just no fixing it. Maybe we should all just say no. No to stupid controlling laws, no to "were doing this for your safety". Just.. No. I don't want you apology, I don't want your sales gimmick, I want you to leave us alone so we can get on with our lives freely. I want you to leave the UN and WHO. I want you to go back to gold backed currency and get rid of the central banks and let people build business using our own resources without your stupid government taxing the crap out of everything we do. I want you to wake up to the climate scams. I want you to start building projects that are NOT part of a political election campaign and start building the country again. If you cant do that, then its obvious that this government is either completely incompetent, completely corrupt or completely under control from an outside source. Just....No

Clueless ALP

Nothing to see here ! Jedi mind trick by Marles .. this is terrible for our vets to have to do this

Too busy looking after his mates and getting his fingernails done

How is this allowed to happen, DVA should support him

You’ve stayed extremely quiet about the ABC making up stories and doctoring audio and video to fit their agenda regarding Nov platoon…..why haven’t you stood up for them and stand by those men and Heston Russell? Is it Because Dan has a VC and you can use his story to take a shot at labor to fit your agenda? Here we thought we would have one of the lads in parliament that will support the treatment of all vets, not just the select few

Yep, how low can Labour go. Ya allow veterans to be Able to work as casuals In a Defence contract To help with cost of Labour Living, then the contractor puts them off to try and pick up lost profit due to running transport costs. So much for helping Veterans. The Rule should be that To hold a Defence ministers portfolio The person must have Served with FIRST HAND experience.

Marles is too busy feathering his own nest, like building the new at IFV in his own electorate.

The Hated Hand of the Market - why the greed and selfishness of each individual businessman leads to the prosperity of society as a whole. It is one of the standard examples of a spherical horse in a vacuum. Usually, the meme is interpreted as follows - capitalism is magically arranged: if everyone rakes in for themselves and shits on others, then through the mechanisms of competition and other special market magic, society will move forward. Therefore, from the point of view of a radical "marketeer" like Ayn Rand, everything market is good, and everything non-market is bad, because it only complicates the work of that same invisible hand. However, the problem is not that the invisible hand of the market does not exist, and not that a free market is impossible, as some mistakenly believe. But that this invisible hand is capable of leading the market to a completely different place than it would like to go.

Why do I even serve.....It is no wonder that we have a recruitment/retention travesty. Sick to my stomach hearing this devastating news.

I have 500 dollars right now for a go fund me keep them brother you earned them

Richard Miles is the most inept Defence Minister of my time! He is known to force people to only acknowledge him as the Deputy Prime Minister and not to call him the Defence Minister. His actions clearly make this story more believable!

Maybe an idea that the ADF bring Dan back in an Honarary status. Give him an appointment as an advocate within the ADF to support those still serving in some context. I am sure he would be a great ambassador. Also they can pay him a wage?

Have a go at these labour goofballs have no idea what’s going on with the veterans that is so disgusting. They should buy the metal back and given compensation.

How about you look at what they are feeding the troops quality quantity and how much . Provided by privatisation of suppliers. My taxes our taxes our ADF .

Let's hope that the medal he sold didn't go to another museum - who did he fight against .

I feel there is more to this story, times are tough but I'm not sure they're that tough that he needs to do this, obviously I know nothing of his personal/financial situation but it seems extreme to me.

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PROTECT FREE SPEECH: I will strongly oppose the Labor Government's "Misinformation" legislation. The Bill is a clear attack on free speech.

This Bill would censor social media content stifling the voices of everyday Australians. Shockingly, the Labor Government could label something as "misinformation" even if it's your honestly held opinion, meanwhile, exemptions apply to academics and scientists – but not regular Aussies.

I’m deeply concerned that the Communications Minister would have the power to personally order investigations into what they deem β€œmisinformation” – a dangerous overreach.

I will fight to defend free speech and stand against these censorship laws.
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PROTECT FREE SPEECH: I will strongly oppose the Labor Governments Misinformation legislation. The Bill is a clear attack on free speech.

This Bill would censor social media content stifling the voices of everyday Australians. Shockingly, the Labor Government could label something as misinformation even if its your honestly held opinion, meanwhile, exemptions apply to academics and scientists – but not regular Aussies.

I’m deeply concerned that the Communications Minister would have the power to personally order investigations into what they deem β€œmisinformation” – a dangerous overreach.

I will fight to defend free speech and stand against these censorship laws.

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Thank you Phillip Thompson OAM MP!

Good work Phil. Freedom is fast becoming a thing of the past. Big government and big corporations are ruining the western world and personal liberty and responsibility needs to be reinstated. We are over governed way too much. It’s part of the reason why everything costs so much these days. Present day politicians have a lot to answer for!

Well done Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community . You are a true fighter and champ for us common people who need protection . I flew into Canberra on Monday from Sydney and was on the same plane as Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. I went up to her and told her she is doing a great job and mentioned to her that you are a champ ! Senator Jacinta has a very high regard for you as we all do in Townsville . Well done champ Cheers

Yet it would be Labor who should be investigated for misinformation every election campaign. Look at Mediscare & the current Qld campaign claiming the LNP will sell assets. Not to mention the Nurses and Midwife's Union campaign against the LNP. When I asked for the proof I got blocked, go figure.

Thankyou. Keep fighting the fight for ordinary Australians.

If this legislation passes we are in trouble. It’s an example of why Labour can never be trusted. Always looking to control but failing to tackle any real issues.

Misinformation legislation would mean every politician would be guilty under the act.

Phillip is just another politician protecting his own right lie and use fake propaganda to fool the masses, well done champion.

They resoundingly lost The Voice, so this is their way of removing ours. Disgraceful in the extreme.

Well said Phil!

Academics who are notorious for fostering the cancerous nature of campus activism being exempt, and more often than not having a left wing bias? Not the general public? Can't see a problem with that at all.πŸ€”

Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community I’ve read Peter Dutton supports this misinformation you’re spreading The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has expressed support for a crackdown on the spread of dangerous lies on social media platforms, renewing focus on the government’s misinformation legislation which was shelved late last year. I’m confused Is this a policy that is no longer shelved??? Is this a policy that the LNP supports??? Or is this some sort of scare mongering??

This is good please keep opposing this. The major television and news network s can continue to spread mistruths and false news but people can't talk amongst themselves? Main stream media is losing viewers in droves everyday, it seems pretty obvious they are the ones pushing this behind the scenes to eliminate their competition

We are slowly becoming a socialist country .. labour suppose to be for the working class man and women.. what a joke !!!

With all due respect Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community I do not trust either party to legislate a bill dealing with this issue. Especially when it doesn't pertain to politicians, media or banks. Leave it alone. What we need is a bill of rights in Australia.

I hope you get a chance to use your free speech in Parliament to oppose the proposed legislation.

What I want to know is with the exemption for academics and scientists, do they mean ALL academics and scientists or just the ones that agree with their agendas?

Please fight for our rights this is also going to target religious freedom which is deeply disturbing.

Thankyou. Censorship is already alive and well on Facebook. I got a 7 day Facebook jail for calling my chicken and idiot, and also no rite of reply or explanation when I disagreed with their decision. We don't want it to become even harder to communicate with our peers.

This must be opposed absolutely BUT let's not forget when the LNP were in Government they were trying to pass (and may have done so, can't recall sorry) legislation affecting freedom of speech, when will people learn BOTH Labor and the LNP are neither fit to govern anymore and should be abolished as political parties and we let some other parties have a go at being elected to Govern, they couldn't do any worse. Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community you're such an excellent local member, if only you weren't an LNP member

But you are certian it should be a crime to hold a Hamas poster in a protest. It seems freedom of speech should only exist when we feel comfortable with it.

Thank you for doing this. Appreciate you standing up for us all. Bravo

Thank goodness can you imagine if this is passed 🀬🀬🀬

Sounds like 1939

Totally agree with Phillip

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TIME FOR CHANGE: In just a few weeks, the people of Townsville can get rid of the three most useless MPs in the country. @Aaron Harper, @Les Walker and Scott Stewart MP you've neglected our community for far too long. It's time for change. ... See MoreSee Less

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It definitely is a time for change. You are doing a great job Phil.

Time for a change right across Australia! Labor really has lost the plot! They simply forget that they are there to serve not dictate!

Well said Phil they are all not working for Townsville residents but for the Labor party in Brisbane! They are puppets of Mr Smiles. They have had their snouts in the trough for way too long. Time they moved on!!!

It wasn’t too long ago when the Labour Party placed billions of debt on its state own energy companies which were profitable,, now debt it’s soaring in those businesses, yet the LNP are not capitalising on that and other failures of today’s state government Why are Queensland citizens still paying for miss management Why’s that Power station failures,, still not operational, Ambulance ramping, Ex Townsville mayors get plum government jobs when they voted out The list goes on What’s David going to do about that Pls bring some leadership,direction now

Annette who for Hinchinbrook Phil? LNP will get my vote and hopefully whoever replaces MP Scanlon will sort the Mayor issue. Thanks for the great work you do Phil and thank you for your active service. Respect!

Be very careful how you vote Townsville,remember the Council elections,you threw Labor out and now the debacle.In the debate,Christafuly appeared to be fully out of depth and Miles was cool and in control,blind Freddy can see the cause of youth crime in Tville is lenient Judges…H

Serene Townsville has become " siren City " . Hopefully less ambulance ramping means more available . Removal recidivist offenders = less crime . = less sirens . Less crime will hopefully reduce risk so insurance policies can come down .

Those 3 mps mentioned would be the worst in political history and to have them all in the same city is beyond bad luck or a curse .

Thankyou Phil, we need action on crime here in Townsville. My wife and I are constantly living in fear in Annandale.

Biggest problem in Tsv Council is too many J. Hill, ALP followers still in there. Same old councilor's, same old problems.

Hugh Louden .Miles has given people cost of living relief more than any Govt. in Australia and appears in control,the alternative appears out of his depth and an amateur,but I think we will be stuck with him,like our Mayor…H

Show Labor the door in 2024.

Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community you nailed it, we need to vote for the people that understand the people of the community. Hear what he says Townsville. We have four great options. Two police officers, one small business operator, and one former crime stoppers operator. These people are literally on the ground with us lowly citizens, they know what needs to change. The three blind mice are as outdated as our whole state government.

Both options for premier are bad!! You got a guy who use to be a mp here in townsville who was bad at his job and now wants to run all of Queensland as premier and on the other side you got a guy who I think has no idea of what he's doing as premier atm so I really wish there was a third way to vote because that is what I'd be going for but if Phillip Thompson was the one leading the liberal party for premier then I'd be definitely voting for him

Why couldn’t a third choice other then labour or liberal I know I would consider a third option then it’s not tit for tat between these two parties

Be very, very, careful! ALL POLITICIANS LIE...... This leaves the community in a world of hurt, no matter what the outcome. Vote for who " YOU " are comfortable with, who " YOU " believe will make a difference and do what " YOU " believe is what is best for us all in the state of Queensland. Never forget, this election is about "YOU", your loved ones, your community and the state of Queensland. ❀️

Thank you Phillip πŸ™πŸ™We sure do need change in Townsville.

Good news .we don't have to pay for parking on the strand now

Praying Harper doesn’t get in!!

The cops are doing a great job,they catch them but the Judges let them out to reoffend,none so blind as those don’t want to see….H

The only time you see these three clowns is when that biggest clown of all comes to town and they hang off him

Heath Clayton what crap,Govt. can’t interfere with the Judiicary…H

Phil you are 100% spot on. Thank You for speaking out for the people of Townsville.

David McDonnell The legislation gives the Judges the law to lock the Crims 14 years and they give the reoffenders a slap on the wrist….H

Bring on the healthcare cuts with crisa fully. I can't wait for the shit show. It's happened before and it will happen again.

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SCHOOLYARD BULLY TACTICS: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese & his Labor mates sunk to a new low today, mocking disabled people before jeering in glee.

This is a matter close to my heart & to say I'm disgusted is a huge understatement.

The PM needs to make a public apology to every person with Tourettes who has been made to feel worthless today.
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Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia

The sooner this laughing stock is removed from Parliament the better off Australia will be.

He’s a joke how can this man be our prime minister.

This is the man who said he would make parliament an example of appropriate behaviour. This is abominable behaviour.

I'm not surprised at all with what he says and does, the low life!!!

His wife showed him the door the rest of Australia needs to do the same

Who's the speaker. he should have nailed the PM on that. They aren't supposed to address people directly. If you were there Phil, maybe you should have called a point of order or something.

This man ought be charged under the discrimination act....anyone who suffers Tourets should be outraged! This man is simply no longer capable of PM of this country! He MUST go at the next election! Cheers.

And the ones who laughed also need to make a public apology

I'd get called upto hr office for saying stuff like that to someone at work. Problem is media won't play it but if was Dutton would be all over the news for weeks

I'm not at all surprised! Bring on the next election, now!

This guy is an embarrassment

He needs to go

Under a bit of pressure albo good

He is a clown after all! Back to the circus Albo and learn a few more tricks to make people laugh! Nothing sensible ever comes out of his mouth! He'll probably blame Scott Morrison!

This is so disgusting of the Labor government, and it's not funny πŸ˜’.

His mother didn’t teach him to respect others !

Albo is a bloody disgrace

An absolute disgrace. How embarrassing that a leader of our country turns out to be such a disappointment. You might find out soon that you and your team do not represent the majority of Australians……..

So much for a Prime Minister for all Australian People. What a Disgrace. While I am at it Sir why is Australia spending Taxpayers money to Fly Australian Citizens??? Back to Australia if they choose to live in a Foreign Country with all the Benifets this Country provides. If you want to be Australian renounce the Citizenship of your native country.

You are a disgrace Prime Minister. I have two grandchildren with Tourette’s, beautiful human beings. We, as a family, will be waiting for a public apology.

Showing his true colours

Disgusting behaviour from the PM.

What a low life contemptuous being he is. Just proved to one and all he is not fit to be Prime minister.

PM How Pitiful.

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OKTOBERFEST: I’ve tapped the keg to kick off Townsville's Oktoberfest. Big thanks to Townsville Brewing for hosting. Great beer, good times! ... See MoreSee Less

OKTOBERFEST: I’ve tapped the keg to kick off Townsvilles Oktoberfest. Big thanks to Townsville Brewing for hosting. Great beer, good times!Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

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Can you imagine anyone from the Labor Front Bench spending time like this, well done Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community ❀ !!!

The smiling assassin Miles and all Labor/greens out next election, Totally out of touch with everything.

Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community whether I believe in your party politics or not, you are a brilliant local member and what every politician should aspire to be. It's great to see a genuine bloke representing our community.

No cause labour has a job to do

Anything to disguise how this government rips us off

Enjoy n all the best Phillip Thompson

Good on ya Phil Glad your having a bit of social and downtime πŸ»πŸ‘

well done Phil. good to see you out and about. hopefully one day you will have the opportunity to go to the big Oktoberfest in munich germany.

Always just ‘one of us’. Nice tapping there Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community. Keep doing what you’re doing. πŸ‘πŸ‘

If I knew it was coming up I would have told you go and have a look. In the Adelaide Hills the town of Harndorf has a big festival and all year around some shops have German food.

Phil knows how to do stuff 🌴😎🌴

Most work you have done in years!

Good looking family photo Phillip

I'm little disappointed you don't have on the costume Phil lol

Oktoberfest band? (Always in Colombo).πŸ‘

Phil is like a pint, short in stature but packs a punch

Was it really Oktoberfest if you didn’t wear Lederhosen though? 🀷‍β™‚οΈπŸ€” πŸ˜‰

No German πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ beer tho ! 🍺

We can always count on you Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community . Thankyou

Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community. Good morning Phillip. I would be most grateful if you could send me a positive reply indicating that you are doing all you can towards the next election to have thousands of Vietnam veterans fully acknowledged for their lawful duty. I have now received several robotic responses from you just this year. They have been waiting patiently for over 55 years.

Sorry I missed it, Church, and I had a job to do

Should of pulled out Terry Turbo and shown them how it's done 😎🍺🍺

Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Serving Our Community Do you really comprehend this spiritual realm and the consequences of breaking LORE! i suggest that you have a chat with your wife about moiety. First in time, first at LORE!!!!


Ashley Gallard

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